10 Things That Are Holding You Back From Becoming Rich

10 Things That Are Holding You Back From Becoming Rich

Have you ever wondered why some of your peers have gone rich and you still haven’t? You did better than them in the past but what do they have that you haven’t? You had better work ethic, you were more intelligent, you were more physically strong and yet they’ve become millionaires?What’s up with that? Why aren’t you rich? What’s holding you back grom becoming rich?

1. Believing that Working Hard Will Make You Rich.

It won’t. It’s not enough.  There are people who have worked hard all their life and still ended up poor. Some have been lucky and got noticed for exceptional work by their bosses and were promoted. Best case scenario, you’d get to upper middle-class status as a hard worker. But if you match working hard with working smart then we’re talking about a different ball game. If you work smart, you’ll be able to do more with less effort. Then you can work on other things that can make you more money. Remember, it’s not enough to have only one source of income. That’s the rich mindset. 

2. Believing in Easy Money.

Stop believing and investing in get-rich-quick schemes. Seriously, why are people falling for things that are too good to be true? Stop being greedy. Nothing out there will make you rich in an instant. Stop your laziness and look for things you think you can do long-term and will eventually make you rich.

3. Getting Rich is Pure Luck.

Does that mean getting poor is also pure luck? Did you know that studies show that part of the attributes of people who get rich is called “locus of control.” What is locus of control? It means these people believe that control their own destiny. They think that what they achieve is because of their own doing. Oooops. Maybe that’s why you’re still poor? You might not have a locus of control for now. Change your mindset then. Start owning up to your situation.

4. The Education System is Rigged to Make You Poor.

Seriously, why are there even arguments on teachers being poor and dropouts getting rich? And why are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs the only examples? Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are exceptions to the rules. They were geniuses in the first place. Nobody’s parading Elon Musk who has multiple degrees, or Jeff Bezos who’s a straight-A student. Just because you’re staying out of the educational system you’re also going to get rich. It’s in the person educating himself how to get rich. Please respect your teachers. Some teach despite the meager salary because they want to educate the next generation and have accepted the fact that they will never get rich because of this choice. Not every teacher wants to get rich and not everyone who drops out will get rich. The person who thinks smart, educates himself and works hard will most likely get rich. Which person are you?

5. Rich People Aren’t As Happy As They Seem.

This is as true as poor people aren’t as happy nor as sad as they seem. The truth of the matter is, some rich people are happy, some are not. Some poor people are happy, some are sad. But of the two, it’s definitely better to be a sad rich guy than a sad poor guy.

6. Solely Focusing on Saving Money.

Unless you’re earning millions, simply saving would take you a long time to have a significant amount for retirement. You might even end up with nothing in case an emergency situation. Like what we’ve said earlier, having only one source of income isn’t enough. Saving it in a bank account isn’t enough. You let your money grow and invest it somewhere and if possible diversify it. Always remember that the rich let money work for them.

7. You’re Afraid to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone.

We get it. If you didn’t grow up in a business family, then chances are you didn’t see anyone hustle his way up to great riches. But that’s no excuse not to take your chances and do things you aren’t used to. Learning something new, looking for side hustles, learning marketing and sales, entrepreneurship. You can’t dream of getting rich and not learning at least two of these skills. These are essentials.

8. You’re Always Thinking About the Next Spend.

A new cellphone every year, new kicks, new car, new house, new appliance, new gadget or whatever’s popular. You’re always looking forward to spending but not looking forward to investing. What happens when you spend more than you earn? You guessed that right. This attitude is keeping you from getting rich forever. If you can’t stop the spending mindset, you might as well work harder for the expenditure. Whenever you want to spend on something, save an equal amount of money to invest. 

9. You Have False Hopes.

So, you’ve been in the same job for the past 5 years and you’re still hoping that your boss will notice and promote you soon. It’s either you’re the problem (you’re not growing yourself, you have no leadership capability) or your boss is taking advantage of you. Seriously, how can there be no growth in your job within 5 years? If you feel stagnant in your job, it’s time to go.

10. You Don’t Set Specific Goals.

You might say, “But I already set I want to be rich by 40.” That’s not specific enough. When you say “rich” what does it even mean? It’s time to be a bit more specific. How much money do you want to accumulate? How are you going to accumulate that amount? What means? Business? Become a star? Winning a championship belt? Winning the lottery? If you write things down without any specific, your tendency to accomplish things will also be vague.

These are just some of the things that might be holding you back in becoming rich. Work on these and then focus on HOW to get rich. Read books, find a mentor, educate yourself. Once you get the proper mindset, it’ll be easier to pursue and acquire riches beyond your imagination now.