The Online Mpire Team Latino Hustler Club


We know what it’s like to have zero budget, degree, and support system when starting a business. That’s why we put together a list of resources to help you launch + scale your dream business.


Hi, I’m Derek Palaguachi. I’m a realtor, an e-commerce business owner, and a lifelong learner. I love anything that has to do with business.

I grew up wanting more for my family and therefore taking action on it more. I’ve studied dozens of books (and still do) as a personal investment. This investment has paid massive dividends for me as I have learned to make more money beyond my dreams.

It’s not easy to start hustling when you don’t know much about business at the get go. I’ve attended seminars and have acquired mentors to help me along the way. I’ve come a long way and am ready to share what I know with you. You just have to have an open mind and the will to invest in yourself.

I’m still studying and trying to improve myself. Right now, my money is in real estate, e-commerce, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. Life is good and I know that it just keeps getting better from here.

If you want to have the same life as mine talk to me. I will guide you. But you’re required to learn the same things as I did and hustle the same way as I do. It’s not for everyone but it gets easy as you get more experience in hustling.

Do you have what it takes? Send us a DM and we’ll be more than happy to discuss your needs and how you can achieve the life of your dreams.



Hi I’m JohnQ. I’m a real estate agent, e-commerce business owner, crypto investor, and growth hacker. I love leveraging on the power of credit to pay for my own investments to generate more income. I buy a lot for my investments and use the rewards to purchase for my needs. That’s the easiest free money you can get. 

I love networking and enjoy the hunt for the next deal. A lot of my partners have also become my friends. That’s because I treat everyone like family. I believe in the power of networking but I also believe in staying genuine. I prefer making win-win deals instead of me getting a bigger share of a deal. There is so much money out there ripe for the picking and we can all enjoy hunting for it. Like what I always say, “WE ALL EAT.”

If you want to learn from what DerekP and I do, then don’t hesitate to DM us. We do real estate deals, Amazon Automation, stocks and crypto. You’re more than welcome to be a member of our pack. Everything we do is transparent. That’s part of the deal. 

But, like what Derek said. This is not for everyone. You must be open-minded and willing to put in the work. After that, it’ll get easier. You will encounter ups and downs as any other business does but you’ll have mentors like us along the way. We will guide you like a family member.   

If you have reservations or just curious about everything. Send us a DM and we’ll be happy to schedule a virtual chat with you. We’re pretty busy so please DM as soon as you can. If you’re somewhere in New York, we’ll be happy to meet up with you too. Talk to you soon!



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We love answering your questions (at no cost)! Ask us anything business-related and please be as elaborate as possible.


Amazon Automation

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We’ve invested in Amazon Automation for a couple of years now. There are many shady persons offering crazy returns out there. We bit the bullet and invested in one. We earned our initial investment in just a little over 11 months! It’s crazy!

We get passive income now and we’re not even doing anything. Everything we earn is net income now. 

Be a member of our pack and invest on Amazon Automation too. We’ll show you the risks and returns. We post our profits monthly on our social media accounts. Follow us on Instagram if you want to see more stats.

If you want to learn about it on a personal level, DM us and we’ll be more than happy to discuss it with you. We might even meet up with you in case you’re somewhere near. 

Real Estate Advice

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One of the safest investments is real estate. Most billionaires have some form of real estate investment. If you’re looking for a surefire way to become a millionaire, real estate is the way to go. 

There is just too much upside in real estate investments namely: 

Cash Flow – buy and sell land, renovate, buy and develop land, subdivision etc. 

Tax Breaks

Value Appreciation – Properties appreciate value over time. 

Leverage – You can use properties as collateral for loans. 

Hedge for Inflation 





General Investing

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What do they say about investing?

Never put all your eggs in one basket!

So our money is in various side hustles like Amazon Automation, real estate, stocks and cryptocurrencies. We’re always buying the dips and leveraging on debt to accumulate more wealth.

There’s a lot of free money out there that schools aren’t teaching us. Haven’t read Rich Dad, Poor Dad yet? You should. If you don’t believe us, read that first and then comeback to us once you learn the basic ropes of money making. Once you’re ready to take the plunge, then it’s time for you to go to the next level and learn more about other forms of investing with us. 

Just send us a message and we’ll be more than happy to assist you!


Download Our Wealth Building E-Book

We’ve compiled a list of resources to start building your wealth. We know everyone’s got a different personality and different preferences on making generational wealth. We’ve compiled our favorite resources on hustling, starting your own business, side gigs, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and real estate.




New York

