The 2021 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting

One of the most anticipated events of the investing world is the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. Why? Because it offers a glimpse of Warren Buffett’s investing outlook for the rest of the year. And when the Oracle of Omaha predicts something, it will most likely happen. 

It says shareholder’s meeting, how can I access the meeting then?

Traditionally, the meeting was only held for Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Recording videos wasn’t allowed. Of course, we mere mortals were only able to get second-hand information on what the Oracle of Omaha had to say about the market. That changed last year when they opened everything up to the public. It’s happening again this year through a partnership with Yahoo! Finance.  Together with his business partner Charlie Munger, they presented Berkshire Hathaway’s financial performance from the past year as well as its plans for the present year.

Seriously, what’s in it for a regular person like me?

It’s a tool to learn from the best. Warren Buffett is considered to be one of the greatest investors of all time. He has had an average return of about 20% for decades compared to the S&P 500’s 10%. If you compound your wins with that return, you might not want to leave your money to any other investment company ever again.

The valuable information you get can be a measuring stick on where to put your investments. 

What do you do with the information?

Analyze and use it to work on your investing plan. If you’re a passive investor, then you might want to copy Warren Buffett’s investing plan. If you’re an active investor, you can still benefit by keeping an eye on Warren Buffett’s outlook.

You see, that’s what sets Berkshire Hathaway from other investment companies, they’ve been in the industry for so long that they’re consistently outperforming most.

Or, maybe use Warren Buffett’s strategy to look for companies who would benefit from his 2021 outlook. If Mr. Buffett says that he sees electric cars booming, then buy stocks from electric car companies with the most promising results. If Mr. Buffett says that the US economy isn’t looking very good, then you might want to invest in other countries. Specifically countries with a negative correlation to the US economy.

Note that Warren Buffett isn’t always right.

He does make mistakes and he actually did a lot of mistakes in the past. Luckily for us, Warren is so honest that he admits everything. And, like him, you’ll most likely make investing mistakes too. The difference is just that Warren Buffett makes more correct predictions vs wrong ones. That’s why he’s almost always winning in the stock market. That’s why he’s outperforming the S&P 500. That’s why he’s called the Oracle of Omaha. Or sometimes, “The Greatest Investor of All Time.”

It will be held on Saturday, May 1st | 12:30 p.m. ET and will be hosted online on Yahoo! Finance. Check this link below: