I found Dean Graziosi from ads on YouTube. I didn’t click any until I found other content creators I follow post their book reviews about him and his book “Millionaire Success Habits.” And when I see the word “Millionaire” it immediately gets my attention. I did order his book and found I’d gobble it up like I was reading Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich.”

What is this book about?

The book is titled exceptionally well. It really is what sets millionaires apart from poor people, it’s their habits that make all the difference. Maybe the millionaire’s habits are complex so we really should study how their mind operates then? Yes and no. Yes, we should study how millionaires think but no, they do not have complex habits. In fact, millionaires simplify their life by focusing on a few little tweaks in their lifestyles that make a big impact in their lives.

Millionaires skip through the complexity of life and draw a straight line between their present self and their goals.

Dean Graziosi attributes his success to 3 lessons.

• Your energy and motivation will go sky high if you find your why by doing the seven levels deep exercise.
• If you want to be happier and more productive focus on your strengths, not weaknesses, 
• Wake up the hero inside of you and let it take charge of your life. 

There are 13 Millionaire Success Habits, these are:

  1. Figure out your WHY. Ask yourself “Why is this my goal?” Write down your answer. Keep asking yourself “why” until the 7th one. Things will get clearer about your real goals after you keep digging.
  2. Self-limiting beliefs are just that, “self-limiting.” So stop the devil inside of you from telling you that you can’t do things. Don’t let it win over you. Think of the worst case scenario if you fail. If you don’t die, then it’s still great trying. If you fail, you’ll learn a valuable lesson. If you don’t fail, you succeed! Win-win!
  3. Focus on your good side of the story and use this experience to generate more great stories ahead of you. Why lurk in the bad past when you can just continue doing the good? Mistakes are made to be corrected otherwise, we’ll keep doing them. Don’t let past stuff weigh you down. Use the past to propel your future. Rewire your brain against the victim mindset. You’re not rich because you were born poor? BS! Why are there rags to riches stories? That’s because the people who managed to get rich used their poverty as a motivating factor to never be hungry again.
  4. Be confident. Confidence comes from knowledge. If you know or have experience over doing things, then you don’t worry about making mistakes. Experience as much as you can in order to make mistakes and correct each as early as you can. Take charge of yourself and take on the role of the protagonist in your own story. Never look up to everyone without thinking you can do it too. Of course you can!
  5. Make a “Don’t Do List.” Outside the bucket list of your goals, make a list of things you’re not supposed to do. Millionaire Success Habits also entails not doing certain things that don’t create value. These things should be avoided at all costs. Focus on what matters most.
  6. Fall down seven times, stand back up eight times. Setbacks are normal and always temporary in life. These are inevitable because even if you do your best, there will be times when you’ll still fail. That’s okay. What matters is that you keep standing back up every time you fall. Millionaires are never afraid to make mistakes. They’re ready to lose a few thousand dollars in order to win millions.
  7. Learn how to sell. The single biggest asset you can learn as a millionaire is to be able to market and sell your goods. Think like the big pharma who manage to sell their meds many times over the generic drugs just because they know how to market their goods as if it’s a different drug. Think of all the water that’s sold in the market. Water is sold to us at exorbitant prices! But we still buy these goods because we have the perception that these are always better.
  8. Learn psychology. Millionaire success habits also involve knowing what people like and don’t like. The person who understands other people knows how to solve their problems too!
  9. Learn to make your customers happy even after the sale. The sale doesn’t end after your customers buy your product or services. That’s why there are after market services. GoPro is loved by its customers because not only does it have the best action cams in the market, they also readily replace damaged products for its customers. It’s not uncommon to send an old version of a GoPro and get surprised by a newer version instead. Happy customers will always be repeat customers.
  10. Be happy no matter what happens. Just because a millionaire is considered “successful” it doesn’t mean that that person is also happy. Learn to find happiness too. Some end up getting depressed. What’s all the riches when we’re not happy? Success is better if we’re wealthy and also happy!
  11. Apply every success hack you can. Dean Graziosi also listed several success hacks he employs. We can use these. But his main point is to learn as much success hacks we can and apply these in our daily lives. Every small hack contributes to better productivity and therefore more done each day!
  12. Learn and apply learnings all the time. Millionaires are so successful because they are adept at adjusting their strategies to win the market. They never stop learning because they know that one day, someone else might end up with better ideas than them. And when they learn something new from someone else, they keep applying these techniques in order to fully grasp the ideas. Elon Musk didn’t know anything about rockets when he wanted to start SpaceX. He learned as much as he can from books and then hired former NASA employees and rocket enthusiasts in his team. He ended up becoming an expert himself in the field because he was so hungry for knowledge. Elon is believed to know every part of his rockets because he takes personal care of the engineering of his rockets.
  13. The greatest success habit of all is to figure out how to be more productive. The more you do each day piles up to better and better results. Kobe Bryant is known for his work ethic. That’s because he used to suck at basketball when he was younger. But, he outworked everyone else in practice and therefore did more practice than everyone else. Kobe was so competitive that he didn’t stop practice until he was the only one training.

There is so much more inside the book and there’s just too much to write about in this blog post. You guys better order the book here if you’re interested in the millionaire success hacks Dean wrote in his book. We hate making spoilers but we do like explaining things.

Go and order one now and incorporate reading business books as one of your millionaire success habits!

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