I’ve always loved Nikes since childhood so reading the book “Shoe Dog” by Philknight is a must read for me. It’s practically the story of Nike’s rise to fame. I made it a point to read and have takeaways from entrepreneurs I look up to. I mean, how do you even start a shoe company let alone expand to new products that all the celebrity athletes come to love? How’d Phil Knight build Nike into a powerhouse athletic company? I’m sure there were other more popular shoe brands back in the day. How do you compete with them? We’ll dive right in on some of the key points I read from Shoe Dog.
Let's Talk Money
It’s our own responsibility to learn about money. It’s not school, it’s not our families it’s not our partners. It’s us.
On this blog, we’ll talk about hustling, books and the fundamental concepts you’ll need to learn about money. We will share whatever we learn on our own so that you don’t have to start everything from scratch.
Remember, it’s our own responsibility to educate ourselves.
Pay Off Debt First or Invest Part of Your Money?
Have trouble deciding whether you should be paying off debt vs. investing? It’s easy to pour a lot of your money into investments when you’re debt-free however, it gets complicated when you’re not.
Atomic Habits Book Review
my interest since I want to build more good habits and shun some of my bad ones. So I jump the bandwagon and bought it for a couple of bucks. And let me tell you, my money is well spent on this book!
So Good They Can’t Ignore You Book Review
One thing that I’ve proven to make me realize if my thoughts are facts is to try and defend the opposite of the fact. Cal Newport’s book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” is the exact definition of what I do. Newport states that the “Do what you love” hypothesis for career success is wrong. He states that you should love what you do and then expand your knowledge to acquire rare skills that society values in order to get more money out of your job.
Celsius Network Review
If you’re still on the fence on cryptocurrencies but would still like to allocate a small portion of your investments, here’s the Celsius Network to the rescue to help you earn some passive income.
How to Get Everything You Want: The 48 Laws of Power Book Review
There are many books on mindset, hustling, marketing and sales but very few are written about POWER. In Robert Greene’s best selling book “The 48 Laws of Power” he discusses just about every tactic there is in order to gain power. Now you might ask, “Why would I want power? I’m happy just minding my own business!” And to this we’re saying, you’re wrong. Power is everywhere and you will have to deal with it whether you like it or not. We use power to negotiate deals, to get a favorable outcome, to land an “impossible” outcome and ultimately to get what we want. Some say that Robert Greene is the modern day Machiavelli. Some say that this book is so manipulative that Robert is pure evil. This book is so powerful that they banned it in some prisons!
Maxout Your Life Book Review, A guide on How to Achieve your Full Potential
Ed Mylett is one of my fave YouTubers for the sheer value and motivation I get from him. I keep his book “Maxout Your Life” on my bedroom shelf just so I can revisit the book at least once a year. So what exactly makes me want to read and re-read Maxout Your Life by Eddie Mylett? The book talks about striving to achieve our full potential as human beings. The question is, “How do you achieve your full potential?” This is what the book is all about.
Post Scan Mail Review: Access Your Mail Any Time, Anywhere
If you’re traveling too much like us or is planning for a long vacation but have trouble figuring out how to handle your physical mail, then Post Scan Mail is the right product for you.
The Secret Book Review: How to Get Everything You Want In Life
Ask any person what’s the best self-help, motivational, get-rich book and you will hear most of them mention 2 books. Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret.” And if you’re read one of the books, I will find it hard to believe if you haven’t read the other. That’s how popular these books are. And they have a similar theme, both books claim that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.