Let's Talk Money


It’s our own responsibility to learn about money. It’s not school, it’s not our families it’s not our partners. It’s us.


On this blog, we’ll talk about hustling, books and the fundamental concepts you’ll need to learn about money. We will share whatever we learn on our own so that you don’t have to start everything from scratch.


Remember, it’s our own responsibility to  educate ourselves.

How to Get what you want in life: Principles book review

How to Get what you want in life: Principles book review

Oftentimes, we get inspired by rags to riches stories. And sometimes, we end up trying to take a similar path with the hopes of making it big too. We have the usual suspects Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. But, we seldom see people idolize Ray Dalio. Ray Dalio is currently rank #88 (September 2021) of the World’s Richest Men by Forbes magazine.

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How the Rich Think and How to Develop the Same Mindset

How the Rich Think and How to Develop the Same Mindset

There are very few books that can trump the influence of Rich Dad Poor Dad in their career. It might actually be the best financial independence book of all time. A lot of millionaires swear by this book and have read and re-read this book over and over even when they’ve already been wealthy.

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The First Startup Book: Zero to One by Peter Thiel

The First Startup Book: Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel is a member of the so-called Paypal Mafia. They (together with Elon Musk), profited heavily from the PayPal sale and re-invested their money in other businesses. Elon went on to make new companies like Tesla and SpaceX while Peter became an angel investor for several companies including Facebook. Peter became a billionaire in the process. He was also an early investor for SpaceX, AirBnB, LinkedIn, Yep and Spotify. This book discusses his business philosophy.

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