Let's Talk Money


It’s our own responsibility to learn about money. It’s not school, it’s not our families it’s not our partners. It’s us.


On this blog, we’ll talk about hustling, books and the fundamental concepts you’ll need to learn about money. We will share whatever we learn on our own so that you don’t have to start everything from scratch.


Remember, it’s our own responsibility to  educate ourselves.

10 Things That Are Holding You Back From Becoming Rich

10 Things That Are Holding You Back From Becoming Rich

Have you ever wondered why some of your peers have gone rich and you still haven’t? You did better than them in the past but what do they have that you haven’t? You had better work ethic, you were more intelligent, you were more physically strong and yet they’ve become millionaires?What’s up with that? Why aren’t you rich? What’s holding you back grom becoming rich?

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How to Stay Sane While Hustling: The Health is Wealth Trinity

How to Stay Sane While Hustling: The Health is Wealth Trinity

Every business guru is giving tips on habits, growth and hustling but most forget about giving advice on how to stay healthy. If you really want to build an empire, you’re going to have to take care of yourself too. What’s all the wealth you’ll gain in the future if you’ll end up riddled with all kinds of illnesses. Health is wealth!

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Where to Invest Your $1,400 Stimulus Check

Where to Invest Your $1,400 Stimulus Check

Where should you invest the $1,400 money from your stimulus checks? For most first-world countries, stimulus checks are given to the general population to help people get back on their feet. Stimulus checks are given to both individuals and businesses in pre-determined amounts depending on their status. In theory, this…

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Where to Invest Your $1,000

Where to Invest Your $1,000

To some $1,000 is a lot of money, to others it’s is very little. But, whatever your opinion on a thousand bucks is, it would be better off investing it somewhere instead of it just sitting around. It might end up being spent on clothes, food, gadgets, or something you’ll regret buying after a day or two.

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Real Estate Basics

Real Estate Basics

More billionaires made their wealth through real estate than any other form of business. That’s because it’s one of the most tried and tested way of building wealth. Think of this, no other type of busines provides your with capital appreciation, steady stream of income and tax breaks all in one.

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4 Realistic Side Hustles You Start Right Now

4 Realistic Side Hustles You Start Right Now

There are a lot of side hustles you can do but not all are created equal. There are certain side hustle that payoff a bit late. Some people quit even before earning a significant amount. For now, we would like to focus on a side hustle that will earn you quick bucks but won’t necessarily make you rich. These side hustles will teach you hard work and quick thinking. It might also tap your creative side.

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Bitcoin Basics

Bitcoin Basics

Bitcoin has gained a lot of attention over the past years and has steadily increased in value. Add Elon Musk’s Mida’s touch and it has sent the internet abuzz. But what exactly is Bitcoin and why did it skyrocket in value over the years? And why do the seasoned investors have a different and mostly conflicting opinions about it?

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