Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review
There are very few books that can trump the influence of Rich Dad Poor Dad in their career. It might actually be the best financial independence book of all time. A lot of millionaires swear by this book and have read and re-read this book over and over even when they’ve already been wealthy.
What’s in this book that makes it so effective?
First of all, the book is written in a very friendly and motivational tone. Robert Kiyosaki wrote it as if he’s directly talking to you. It teaches basic financial literacy. That should be enough to get you started in your financial freedom especially if you are deep in debt and/or about to take out a loan or unsure what to do with your life.
Here are some key takeaways from the book.
1. Assets put money in your pocket even when you’re not doing anything. This is called passive income.
2. Liabilities take money out of your pocket. A house and a car is a liability except when you have these for rent.
3. The wealthy will buy assets first and use these assets to pay for whatever they want.
4. The wealthy continue to increase their holdings over and over and become richer and richer.
5. You don’t work for the money, you let the money work for you.
Cons with Rich Dad Poor Dad:
The book is great for motivation and changing your mindset to be rich. However, the book downplays school and education too much. Some schools do teach financial education and will teach you how to be rich. It’s just that there aren’t many. Besides, we owe ourselves our own financial education. Not schools. You go to a university to learn a particular field. If you want to be a businessman then go and take a course on business or hustle your way through entrepreneurship.
The book is full of concepts on getting rich but it stops there. The book is not specific enough to teach you how to get rich. It’s a great starter book along with the other books we recommend. Your education should not stop on just one book. Your education should start with one book and continue on learning for your life.
In defense of the book:
A lot of the negative reviews about this book are that it’s too basic. But, that’s already the intention of this book. It provides basic information on how to get rich and how the rich thinks by contrasting Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad versus his poor dad. We have to take all these things with a grain of salt. It’s a quick read and not a long-term one.
Should you buy the book?
If you’re just starting to get into financial freedom then yes, we recommend that you order one for yourself. It’s one of the best books you will ever read. Some have read this book in the past and have bought another updated copy for another good read.
But, if you are already knowledgeable in finance and financial freedom then you might find this book too basic for you.
Buy Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki here.