Linq - Electronic Business Cards, the Modern Way of Networking

Linq is a tech startup that’s paving its way as the modern way of networking. It uses NFC technology to tap into your smartphones to freely share your business information including the social media links of your choosing. 

But I still like to carry around business cards, should I ditch them?

Nope. You will still need them because not everyone might embrace this new technology. Also, you might forget to bring your business cards one day but still have a Linq product with you. Then you’ll still be able to share your information and then some more. 

And just to add, think about Linq’s importance this way, you get a business card from someone you just networked with and all you have is his or her card. The likelihood of you misplacing it or throwing it away is high. But when you need that person’s information, you no longer have it because you threw it away or misplaced it somewhere. Or, you might remember where you put that person’s business card but it’s under the pile of other business cards you’ve collected along the way. Now imagine that business card is yours but in someone else’s trash.

Now, of course there are still old-school businessmen who value networking the old way. Just bring your old business cards whenever you can.

Old business cards are okay but are the thing of the past. Linq, provides a one tap solution to show all of your social media accounts to someone. Now they don’t have to manually type in all of your information on their phone.

There are technologies worth jumping into headfirst before everyone else adopts them. Why? There is a need to get ahead of the ball game. Early adopters take on the most risk in using new technology but they also reap the benefits as the pioneers of new tech. How? They get to be consultants of the new tech, they get the convenience of new tech, they get the attention first. It’s a great way for sparking conversations while it isn’t mainstream yet.

So how does it work?

Linq uses Near Field Communication or NFC to communicate with another NFC device like your cellphone. It will automatically send a link of your profile to any device near it.

What other advantages does it give from a traditional business card?

1. The person you’re networking with doesn’t have to take down every detail like your phone number or email address manually to his or her cellphone.

2. You can share more information about yourself. You can list down anything you want. Your canvas is not just “card-sized.” Linq lets you share your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

3. It’s super convenient. One tap is all it takes. The person you’re networking with via Linq doesn’t even need to have an app installed. It breaks down the “wall” of interconnectivity.

4. It’s safe.  Especially under this pandemic where we’re trying to minimize physical contact. Our devices will do the talking. No need to exchange hands and disinfecting.

5. Since everything is seamless, the likelihood of your information gets tossed out is less (Unless people don’t really like to network with you).

Okay great. What kind of products does Linq have?

Linq has all kinds of products to suit your needs. Here are a few:

Linq Card Classic

Linq Card Classic

Linq Bracelet

Linq Bracelet

Linq Bamboo

Linq Bamboo Card

Linq Tap

Linq Tap

Want to start ordering or simply want check them out? Here’s a link for a 15% DISCOUNT on your initial purchase: 

Linq Website

Be the early adopter in the modern way of networking! Try Linq now!

Still unsure with Linq? 

We prepared a quick explanation video for you!

Check it out!