Ed Mylett is one of my fave YouTubers for the sheer value and motivation I get from him. I keep his book “Maxout Your Life” on my bedroom shelf just so I can revisit the book at least once a year. So what exactly makes me want to read and re-read Maxout Your Life by Eddie Mylett? The book talks about striving to achieve our full potential as human beings. The question is, “How do you achieve your full potential?” This is what the book is all about.
What is your maxed-out version?
Maxout Your Life is full of practical wisdom and steps we can take to get to our maxed-out version. Ed shares his own trials and triumphs in this book for us to learn a lot from.
The author shares his own story about how the end of his baseball career due to an injury happened for his good. So embrace the changes in your life and always be in the process of becoming your next best version.
There are 7 Chapters in the book, all talking about how to improve your life to the max. Here’s the short version of each.
1. This happens for me, not to me.
Ed Mylett’s first chapter is about destiny. He says that everything that happens to us is for our own benefit whether it be good or bad. Good things are for our own success and the not so good things happen to teach us a new lesson and/or gives us a new beginning.
2. Habits and Rituals of Elite Performers.
Ed talks about what separates elite performance from everyone else are their habits and rituals. Yes, everyone can do great when they are motivated but what happens when you’re no longer motivated? The elite performers work hard even when they’re not feeling it. When we’re no longer in the mood to do the things you should, we have to rely on our habits and rituals to take us to the next level.
He will teach us how to make good habits stick in order to always reach our peak performance.
3. Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Beliefs
Eddie Mylette shares that we only need to change our thought a little to dramatically change our whole life. Small steps lead to big results. Ed also talks about changing our environment and network of friends leads to changing our thoughts. Imagine hanging out with a bunch of losers, and you end up as a loser. But hang out with rich people and you will think like one. Once you learn what the rich do to make themselves rich, then you’ll start to believe that you can. And when you believe you can, your mind will start to work on things you can do to get there.
You will only get from life what you tolerate. Hang out with a bunch of people with no dreams, and you begin to tolerate mediocrity. That’s what you get. Hang out with achievers and you start to move away from the average. You’ll always want more. And more you will get.
4. Changing Your Identity and Gaining Winning Confidence.
Ed shares that we become our real identity through self-confidence. To boost our self-confidence, we do this through association with the people we look up to, working hard in order to be most productive in the shortest amount of time, and trusting to keep promises we tell ourselves.
5. Achieve Your Highest Possible Energy.
So far, most of the things we talked about are through the mind and how we roll. But sometimes, one of the most often neglected parts of success is maintaining our bodies. Learn to love yourself. You only have one body. If you can value yourself, then you can keep your promises and trust yourself more.
Ed Mylett shares that taking care of your health also takes care of your future. Check out Ed’s pictures and you’ll see that he’s not joking about his body. The guy is buff. His advice includes hiring a trainer, eating right, and drinking lots of water. Taking care of yourself also includes challenging yourself by improving over and over.
6. Goal Setting, Deadlines and Details
There are 3 things necessary in achieving your goals, specificity, accountability, and visualization.
First, be specific in creating goals. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight.” Instead, say “I want to lose 10 lbs. in one month.” Instead of “I want to be rich” go for “I will gain $3 million in 2 years time through multiple hustles compounded by investments in stocks and cryptocurrencies.”
Next, be accountable for your goals. Have someone become your accountability partner to remind you if you’re smashing your goals or going off track.
Lastly, visualize. Create a vision board, a collection of the things you want to achieve in your life. Maybe a big house, a nice car, a big bank account? Whatever you dream, put it on your vision board.
This process is pretty similar in concept from the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes. Check out our related book review here.
Make detailed plans on how you’ll achieve all of this and you’re all set, my friend.
7. Can You Be Bought?
That last chapter explains how people allow their will to win to have a price. Most people let their dreams go for a price. For example, when you accept a salary, you’re exchanging your dreams in order to make your boss’ dream into reality. Our lives should be about chasing our goals and not about accepting what’s left to us by society.
Eddie Mylett warns us not to rest on our laurels and forget about our egos. If we never lose focus on our goals, then we can always max out our lives.
See the truth bombs written here? What more can you get if you read the whole book? Reading summaries are great but we always advise on gobbling up every useful book you can get. This one is a must!
Buy your copy of Maxout Your Life by Ed Mylett here.

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