Sales is the most important aspect of a company which in turn is about how well you treat your customer and stay ahead of your customer’s requirement.

Mark Cuban

Ask millionaires about that one skill everyone should learn and most will tell you it would be your selling skills. Even if you have the best product or service in the world, if your selling skill is short, you won’t make it far. Selling is the single biggest money maker everyone should learn because we use it every time we interact with a customer. And today’s book review is just about that, selling. Grant Cardone’s “Sell or Be Sold” is one sales book that’s going to be a classic for sure.

But first, a disclaimer.

Grant Cardone is someone you either like or dislike. If you watch his YouTube channel, you’ll see that his ego is high up there with Gary Vee. The book was written the same way he talks on videos so if you don’t like his personality, then you won’t like this book. However, if you can see past that and realize that Grant is a master of sales, then this book will be a gem for you. With that out of the way, here’s our favorite lessons from the book.

Follow a Sales Process

The book takes us through the sales process and how a common person like us can overcome the typical objections. This also means that we should know our products and services inside and out by availing of these ourselves. We should be our own customers. Besides, you can’t sell something you don’t believe in.

Learn to ask probing questions first to determine what your customer needs. This way, your customer knows you’re analyzing their situation first before hard-selling them something they might not even need.

Don’t Think of Sales as Merely Profiting But a Service to the Customer

Instead of thinking “How much will I be earning from this customer?” think, “I am doing a disservice to this person if I don’t give them the opportunity to buy my goods.” If your product or service is that good, then any person should have it. If they can’t get their hands on it, then you are not helping them. You’re never selling just a product or a service, you are selling a solution.

Take Action

To be able to sell, we need to be proactive. We do what we must in order to get the sale. We need to be straight to the point and not just sell the product but show that the customer needs it.

Be Willing to be Uncomfortable

Selling is not easy and we’re going to have to face rejections all the time. But, remember that we’re doing the customer service by selling them a solution. Ask the reason for each rejection and be ready with a complete comeback. Think of it as the customer not understanding their problem enough. Remember, you are selling a solution.

Follow Up After the Sale

Selling doesn’t end after the customer buys. Selling continues even after the sale. Provide excellent aftermarket service and the upsell. A highly satisfied customer will avail again and again and will refer his friends and family to you.

Use Whatever Means Necessary to Get Your Product/Service Out There

As long as people know and talk about your product, they will come to you once they have a need or have an interest on what you have.

Take Notes

A great salesman learns along the way. Take note of what works and what doesn’t in your sales process. Check what phrases generate interest and capitalize on each. “Continuous improvement,” that’s what it means to be good at anything. Adapt to the changing customer reaction.

Dress Well

A good salesman looks the part. A good salesman looks professional.

There are more bits and pieces of advice in the book but these are our favorites. Grant Cardone is big on social media right now and rightfully so. He’s upped his production over and over and even when we find him to be sometimes annoying, he’s one hell of a salesman. And what do we do with people we admire? We try to be like them. For sales training, Sell or Be Sold is a great addition to your library!

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