Ask any person what’s the best self-help, motivational, get-rich book and you will hear most of them mention 2 books. Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret.” And if you’re read one of the books, I will find it hard to believe if you haven’t read the other. That’s how popular these books are. And they have a similar theme, both books claim that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.

So what exactly is “The Secret” about?

“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is supposed to teach us “The Law of Attraction.” This law states that positive energy attracts positive things into our lives. If we think we can achieve something, the more likely we will achieve it. If we think negatively, the more chances that we will experience negative things. We attract what we put our minds into. And so we use the Law of Attraction to help the universe conspire with us and give us whatever we wish to have.

And like what I described earlier, the Law of Attraction is a double-edged sword. Think positive and you will receive positive things. Think negative and you will get what you don’t want to get.

Check out this clip from Oprah’s interview of Jim Carrey writing himself a cheque for $10 million in 3-5 years and actually receiving it just before Thanksgiving!

Jim Carrey manifesting his 10 million dollar cheque

Most people are more afraid of losing things than their want of getting things. Most people are more afraid of losing things than their want of gaining things. Most people play not to lose when we’re supposed to play to win. That’s why there are less rich people than they are poor. It’s not that they’re exploiting poor people. It’s just that the rich are the ones who are playing to win and are not playing safe.

Take Action

Winning isn’t always achievable unless you take action. Rhonda Byrne talks about a 3-step action plan which is ask, believe, and then receive.

Ask – Be specific with what you want. Don’t let the universe have a hard time giving you what you want. Be as descriptive as possible. Set a time frame. Ever heard of “vision boards?” That’s what exactly this is for. A vision board is a board where you put pictures of what you want in your life. A specific amount in your bank account, a mansion, a car, a business, or a partner! Print it and stick it in your vision board. Display the vision board somewhere where you always see it.

Believe – Have the belief that the universe would conspire with you and give you what you want. The more you radiate what you want, the more the universe will grant your wishes.

Receive – Use your vision board and think of the day where you finally have everything you want. Manifest. Visualize you have everything that you’ve always wanted. Believe that it’s only a matter of time before you realize your dreams. Imagine using all these things you’ve been wanting to have.

And then don’t forget, TAKE ACTION. All of this won’t work unless you take action. Don’t just ask the universe, help yourself.

Whew. That’s practically the summary of this beautiful book. The rest are tips on how to use “The Secret” to get specific things like good health, money, relationships, etc.

Is this a must-read book?

It is! 100%! Most self-help books talk about improving yourself, this book does that exactly but it also teaches us how to get whatever we want in concept.

Get The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes here:

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